記得上次談過Windy City有兩個比賽,一個是還不紅的編舞者,每年依報名先後順序取前十個名額參加比賽,分兩組評審團,各評五首舞曲,選最佳的舞曲,每組評審要陪同參加最後決賽,決定今年的冠軍舞曲,各位看過第一名舞曲

No Trespassing - Gloria Stone


抱歉,連結的網址影片比較清楚,但是嵌入時無效,所以用另一支影片取代,如果要看近一點大一點的舞動,請自行連結網址觀賞,言歸正傳,由影片中看得出來,這組的評審是Michelle Perron, Joey Warren, Jackie Miranda, Guyton Mundy & Peter Metalnick,這組的競爭名單是下面五首

1. You Were The First One – Cathy Sumner

2. Turn Up The Music – Debbie Diachuk

3. Heart Skips A Beat – Amy Glass


Amy Glass參賽時的影片,各位更可以感受到這個比賽的情形,在一個房間裡,五個評審各據一方,各自打分數,最後選出這一組的冠軍,再到現場陪同競賽

4. Skyscraper – Jane Boyd

5. No Trespassing - Gloria Stone


1. Starships - Ben Heggy

2. Back In Your Arms Again – Blum & Felz

3. Banjo – Lynn Card

4. Ahi Ahi – Malene Jakobsen

5. This Love – Diane Likhite

這組冠軍是Banjo – Lynn Card


一樣在影片可以看到五個評審賣力的協助比賽,Junior Willis, John Robinson, Daniel Trepat, Johanna Burnes, Neville Fitzgerald,雖然這首舞曲受被這五位評審青睞,但是到會場總決賽輸給了No Trespassing,只能算是第二名

根據Windy City的競賽原則


The choreography competition will take place on Friday and Saturday in two heats - you will be teaching only on one of the two days, therefore, if you cannot make one of the times, please advise on your registration form or via email. The judges will learn the top dance from each heat will perform the dance with the competitor and face off with one another on Saturday Night where one dance will be chosen as the winner.  The top two winners will receive a cash prize (to be determined based on attendance) and the top winner will additionally receive a guaranteed teach slot at next years event.


這十組經過兩組各五名評審選出後,在星期六晚上由影片中坐在台上的評審,2012年有Alison Biggs, Jill Babinec, DebbieMcLaughlin, Rona Kaye, Rachael McEnaney, Joanne Brady, Judy McDonald, Rosie Multari, Jacob Ballard,由他們共同評審出來,至於另一個專業組2012年冠軍Windy City Waltz則由參加這場盛會的共同選出,所以No Trespassing會勝出,我個人覺得Guyton Mundy應該有增加很多分數,他舞動得很好,還帶動全場氣氛,更在面向評審時更賣力的演出,讚!

這樣大家是不是比較清楚這個比賽的進行方式,它沒有分等級,沒有分年齡,沒有分性別,沒有分鄉不鄉村,是不是很有排舞的原始意義,包羅性特強的,姑且不論誰是總冠軍,我喜歡這種大家選出所愛,共同完成舞曲後的開心,藉由共同參與後的和諧愉快是當初我熱衷介紹這個比賽的原因,好的活動,大家共同熱心參與的活動,一定會讓大家接受,一定會受歡迎的,Windy City Choreography Competition就是最好的例子


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